We are carbon neutral.
Aligra has developed a climate strategy to ensure we are part of the solution, not the problem.
The world is not yet on track to reduce emissions at the pace needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. So even though there are many things that need to slow down for the sake of our planet, the effort to stop climate change needs to go faster.
That’s why Aligra has developed a climate strategy to ensure we are part of the solution, not the problem. Our strategy will see our carbon emissions reduce year on year.
But it’s going to take time to have an effect. That’s why we have decided to speed up the process by taking responsibility for our emissions along the way by becoming fully carbon neutral.
Now, carbon neutral is a nice term, but it doesn’t mean we don’t have any carbon emissions. What it does mean is that we’re offsetting our own emissions by supporting projects that will hopefully avoid or reduce emissions faster than us.

The urgency of the climate crisis means we need to pull every lever that we have available to us, and for now, that includes offsetting.
To ensure we do this in the best way possible, we have focused on investing in only the highest quality carbon offset projects, verified to reduce emissions while also providing extra benefits like jobs in local communities, or protecting biodiversity.
The projects we are currently supporting include renewable energy, reforestation and forest protection and education in greener technologies not only here in the UK but globally.
We’ll keep you updated on our progress, talking honestly about climate neutrality and we hope that you will join us along the way.
Every year we’re audited to ensure that we are properly measuring and calculating our total Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced directly and indirectly from the organisations activities. Six Greenhouse Gases are calculated. Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Hydro fluorocarbons, Sulphur hexafluoride and Perfluorinated compounds.
The operational control consolidation approach is the best for us, due to the a fairly standard business structure. As a result, the following scope of data was collected.
Scope 1 – Stationary and Mobile Source Emissions (equipment and quantity combusted),Company Owned and Leased Vehicles (vehicle type and distance travelled), Refrigerant Gas Losses (refrigerant type and new/disposed units) for the organisation only.
Scope 2 – Energy (electricity, imported heat, steam in kwh) using the location based method, staff numbers and days working from home within reporting period.
Scope 3 – Water (consumption and waste volume), Waste (landfill, recycled and composted weight), Business Travel (type and distance), Staff Commuting (average distance and type), Hotel Stays (UK, Europe or Worldwide days), Inbound/Outbound delivery (weight/volume, type and source).

We have offset our total carbon footprint, and are certified as a Carbon Neutral Business by Carbon Neutral Britain.
As certification awarded by an external organisation, you can be assured that our commitment and carbon neutral status is robust and credible, following calculation using the ISO 14064 and GHG Protocol Emissions Standard principles of relevance, completeness, consistency, transparency and accuracy.
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