Since the last IMHX and during the pandemic, ELOKON’s engineers have been busy developing new additions to its range of assistance and fleet management systems, and the team is looking forward to showing how these can improve safety and efficiency in the warehouse on Stand 5E55.
Exhibits will include the ELOfleet cloud-based fleet management system, which works with mixed fleets and offers benefits such as optimised fleet size for reduced operational costs, significantly fewer truck-on-truck accidents and enhanced protection of the workforce. Central document and battery management systems are new functionalities which are included in the latest variant of ELOfleet.
ELOKON will also be introducing ELOcate – a UWB radio-based Real-Time-Location-System (RTLS), which can track and locate all movements of people, forklifts and AGVs within the warehouse. Should any irregular or risky scenarios occur, ELOcate is able to automatically trigger an alarm. “This system brings a higher level of transparency to intralogistics, and enables warehouse route planning to be optimised, work processes to be made safer and accidents prevented,” said Gavin Tull, ELOKON’s UK Sales Manager.
The driver assistance system ELOshield features new functions such as data analysis. The increased use of automated equipment alongside forklift trucks in busy warehouses and production facilities also prompted the introduction of a new AGV module for ELOshield. Small AGVs can easily be overlooked by larger pieces of equipment and this module is designed to protect them from damage from other materials handling vehicles when they are operating in close proximity.
Tull concludes: “Due to the ongoing automation in warehousing and in manufacturing, there is an ever increasing level of interaction between humans and operated as well as autonomous equipment. Our smart systems are the ideal solutions for enhancing occupational safety whilst maintaining high levels of productivity.”
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