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Logistics UK team pedals cross country to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support

A five-man team from Logistics UK has today (28 July 2022) completed a 130-mile overnight cross-country bike ride, raising £2,600.00 for Macmillan Cancer Support. Starting at the business group’s offices in Leamington Spa on 27 July 2022, the team rode through the night via central London before arriving at the organisation’s ’s head office in Tunbridge Wells, completing the ride in a total of ten hours.

Organiser and participant Ian Wright, General Manager of Major Account Development at Logistics UK, comments:

“It was a very long and tiring night, but the whole team is proud to have had the opportunity to raise money for such a worthy cause. Training has been a long process and it is lovely to see all the hard work pay off. The team all put in the hours and dedication to see this through and we are grateful for the encouragement we have received from Logistics UK, especially those colleagues that gave their time to provide us with essential support throughout the overnight ride.”

Other team members who took part included Craig Foulkes – Full Stack Developer, Mark Jones – National Training Instructor, Martin Candish – Head of Compliance Information and Ian Dunn – Strategic Development Manager. Jerry Kane – Commercial Director, Chris Lipscomb – Director of Operations and Antony Charnley – Shop Commercial Manager co-ordinated the support vehicles which provided essential supplies and equipment to support the ride.

Wright said that his highlights of the route included riding through sunset and into the night, passing key illuminated London landmarks such as Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge, before riding through sunrise to be greeted by colleagues on arrival.

To support the riders, staff at the Tunbridge Wells office hosted a Macmillan Coffee morning and virtual bike ride – using two spin bikes kindly provided by Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre – to match the miles that the cycle team undertook and raised £150.00 for the charity.

Louisa Hollis, HR business partner at Logistics UK says:

“The dedication of the team to this cause, and the support they have received from colleagues in both Tunbridge Wells and Leamington Spa has been incredible and is a true reflection of one of our key corporate values – togetherness. Ian and his team have been an inspiration to all of us: let’s hope they get a good rest now, and a lift back home!”

Anyone wishing to donate to the challenge’s fundraising efforts, please visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Logistics-UK9?utm_source=Sharethis&utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=Logistics-UK9&utm_campaign=pfp-email&utm_term=f23d385f65bc43c0bee1804da731b90b.

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