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Tough times don’t last but tough agencies do! – VIDEO

On Recruitment Smarts Live, I was joined by Jovan Pavlicevic, Co-founder of  Granite BPO. How will the best recruiters grow their business in challenging times?  An episode you definitely want to listen to, Jovan shares his thoughts on ‘Tough times don’t last but tough agencies do!’

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Some of the questions I asked Jovan included:

  • In your experience, what differentiates the best recruiters when it comes to thriving in challenging times?
  • What strategies have you seen that are most effective for adapting and pivoting your business during tough economic times?
  • What role does technology play during difficult market conditions, and how can agencies leverage it to their advantage?\
  • What advice would you give to recruiters who are struggling to find new business opportunities?
  • What are some of the common challenges recruiters face in difficult economic climates, and how can they overcome them?
  • What about regulation and compliance – do you think that changes in tougher economic times – and if so, how?

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